Contatti: karminhansen@yahoo.com Sito web http://www.karminschaferhansenart.com/lost-and-found
Instagram @karminschaferhansen - Linkedin Karmin schafer Hansen FB http://www.Facebook.com/karminschafer
Sulla sua Arte
Karmin Schafer Hansen has been a professional artist since 1995. She lives in New York, USA. She received a painting degree from Syracuse University, but recently her direction has changed into creating beautiful, energetic, wood sculptures bursting with color. They are called the “LOST and FOUND” series.
This series of wood sculptures was inspired by the internationally known Master Wood Carver Glenn Lucas from Ireland. While watching him on TV carve a bowl on his lathe, she saw these long beautiful wood spiral shavings fall from the bowl to the floor. They were lost, discarded, but she found them and turned them into something beautiful, and so the “Lost and Found” series began. Karmin hand curls each spiral one by one that you see in her sculptures, and hand builds her sculptures one spiral at a time.
Karmin’s desire is to continue creating her LOST and FOUND sculptures on a bigger scale and one day she hopes to create a huge outdoor LOST and FOUND sculpture made of metal. She would also love to get into creating installations .She has an amazingly supportive husband from Denmark whom she calls her "art assistant" and two beautiful daughters who are known as her “art show groupies”.
“I am a passionate artist who loves to create; it is in every fiber of my being. I feel it's my gift from God and I intend on using it to the fullest."