
In the light of love Acrylic on canvas 50 x 70 cm
Passioned face Acrylic on canvas 40 x 50 cm
Purple rain Mixed media on aquarelle paper 27.5 x 37 cm
I bow my head for silence Mixed media and dune sand on wrapping paper 33 x 43.5 cm
A walk on the beach Acrylic with dune sand on brown paper 20.5 x 28.5 cm
After a sculptre I mad Acrylic on canvas 40 x 50 cm

La Sua Biografia

I was born in a village in the Netherlands near to the German border, I think about it as pleasant was often in the woods with my sketchpath all trough the years.

I always was different then other childeren for example, at the age of 15 years my father asked me what kind of schooling I would like to go too, I answer him becoming ? but I am already.

 I went from home at 17 years of age, I was sure that with social stydies good contribute to a better world, I liked the study but it wasn’t changing anything at all it was a study with ups-and-downs.

After it I realized it was poetry, painting, sculptor and music that was my world and dedicated my whole life to art.

My parents didn’t understand me, they were to narrow minded.

 One of my poems:

Live my life

With coloured wings

Reach for the stars

Oh what beauty it brings

Live life to the fullest

So no opportunity missed

Living my life

With coloured wings

 Now I am living with my partner, a sculptor who helps me with my business I am not very good with that it’s not really my thing 

La Critica
It is a Dutch artist
Has sold everywhere is present on the major catalogues and magazines of the sector has recently made a great exhibition in Rome in the mythical Via Margutta and today is known throughout Italy with some of her works so everone can see and maybe validate her splendid works. As for her painting I must immediately say that it is a unique painting in the sense
that she has managed to invent her own personal style that I have rarely seen so far. The main message of her painting is freedom but also above all feminine emancipation so a great attachment to life understood as a conviviality among human beings and this make us see it very well
through these wonderful works … .. (Talking about the works)
Besides she loves poetry very much, she has written many and this
second passion of hers also transported her paintings, in fact we see very well this poetic vein through the grace and elegance of how she proposes her figures that are never trivial but have always something specific and precise and are the same figures that transmit us so much serenity and tranquillity prijselijk to define that sense of freedom I men tioned earlier and which they enjoy. The freedom referred to by the artist is not only intended as a detachment from external approches but is also
a freedom in a spiritual sense where human beings are free to express their beliefs and religious identity without imposition
As for painting, we must immediately say that the artist has looked at the great masters of the past seizing some secrets while remaining automous and yet having her ownpersonal style. There are the geometries of Paol Klee there is the decomposition of the figures of Picasso,there are the  colours of Cezanne there are the portraits of Matisse
So in addition to being a great artist she is also a great scholar she studied art history and studied the great artists of the past
So we can say that she gives free her imagination by carefully describing all the phases of the human being
It is ajourney that the artits deepens through her long experience
Because she travelled a lot and met saw many populations up close
The artist gives life to the reality of natural places and objects that are cloaked in mystery and magic by involving,
the artist in a interpretation of scenarios we could almost say timeless, but she deepens above all the sharing of human beings as a lasting understanding


Il suo Curriculum

Marleen Stegeman 11-9-1960 Vriezenveen The Netherlands
Innerism: When inside and outside are the same, if this is known real beauty is born
Dutch Artist, Poet and Songwriter Self-Taught did Social Studies
Since I can remember I loved drawing and painting, began the poetry from 16 years of age
I cannot be measured
Cannot be found
I just …….
Tell a story
What life’s all about
Before started selling my work, the curator of the Frans Hals Museum in Haarlem judge it on quality.
Selling began end of the 80e years sold, work on paper and acrylic on canvas to all kinds of art lovers
The Dutch Government bought work for Embassies for example, Berlin, London and Warsaw

The sculptures big, small and scale models, I use all kind of material from driftwood till
marl and steel, some have been realized.
I am oversensitive live withdraw
My poems are published, bundle Rooted in the earth, Born in the light
I am recently represented by Antonio Castellana, in a catalogue 100 Emergend Artist to invest
Italian artcritic, journalist and with a TV artprogram
At the beginning of October I have a solo exhibition in Rome Area Contesa Arte Via Margutta 90 3 October – 15 October 2019
After this my work will be on vieuw there until December 2020
An article about me will be posted in ExpoArt an art magazine in November
Several times on TV in Antonio Castellana’s Artprogram
In July there is a presentation of the first edition “Catalog of Contemporary Art
The Top 200 chosen by Antonio Castellana Italian and International artists which also includes my work
To bring my art to the attention alongside Facebook and Linkedin I am participating in the art publications
The Great International Yearbook of Contemporary Art 2021 Madrid Edition.
Four of my poems are included in a major poetry edition in Madrid Nueva Poesia y Narrative Hispanoamericanna and the one who arranges this
Leo Zelada also ensures that a collection of 100 poems by me is published
From one of the best independent poetry publishers in Spain Lord Byron Editions,there will also be a new collection from my poems, mystic poems
This will also be arranged by Leo Zelada, title bundle Songs of the heart
Leo Zelada is a well-known writer, poet in Latin-America
Antonio Castellana organizes in the fall an exhibition Benneton museum in Treviso Italy, where my work can be seen among others.
February new Gallery Art Nou Millenni Barcelona is going to represent me, there will be a group exhibition in July
In june a new Gallery Mega Art Gallery in Corchiano Italy is going to represent me and there will be a group exhibition in
Venice also in July and in France Gallery Circle-Arts online gallery