HEIKE METZ - Germany

Contacts kontakt@heikemetz.de

Walking house Bronzo cm 14 x 10 x 8
Homeland Bronzo cm 16 x 10 x 10
Kolosseum Bronzo cm 7 x 13 x 14
Torre femmina Bronzo cm 44 x 13 x 12
Torre con scale Bronzo cm 46 x 40 x 27
Tor Bronzo cm 49 x 22 x 22

About her Art

Lindenstraße 46 I 97657 Langenleiten I Germany

Tel: 09701 908185 I Mobile: 0173 1918747

www.heikemetz.de kontakt@heikemetz.de Instagram: @metz.heike


Born and raised in Bad Kissingen in 1970

1987-1989 Vocational school for childcare 1989-1992 Specialist academy for social pedagogy Münnerstadt

1992-1994 Worked as a nursery school teacher

1994-2002 Curative education teaching assistant at the SVE of the Maximilian Kolbe School

Parallel to her training and work as an educator, she learnt the basics of art from the sculptor Klaus Metz

Freelance artist in Langenleiten since 2002

2010-2012 Commissioned by the town of Schmalkalden to erect a stone for the blind

2013-2014 Village portrait Langenleiten

2014 Project realisation Kunstanger Langenleiten

2014 -2015 Commissioned by the city of Erding to create a portrait of the old town centre

2018 Cooperation partner of the Triennale IV Schweinfurt

2018 Participation in the sculptor symposium of the Kunsthalle Schweinfurt as part of the Triennale IV RaumZustände

2018 First prize at the Kunsthalle Schweinfurt Triennale IV symposium with the sculpture "Tower of Remembrance

2020 - 2021 Historical town portrait of Löhnberg an der Lahn


2004 Schlossvilla - Burgsinn I Studio exhibition - Lohr am Main I Small gallery - Sommerhausen

2005 Rhön Salon - Kleinsassen I Henneberg Museum - Münnerstadt

2006 Old church - Wernfeld I Bad Königshofen - Schranne

2007 Old prison - Bad Neustadt

2008 House of Art - Schmalkalden

2009 Gallery Ulrich Jung - Veitshöchheim

2010 House of Bavarian Agriculture - Herrsching I Psychosomatic Clinic - Bad Neustadt

2013 Brother Franz House - Kreuzberg Rhön

2014 Wechterswinkel Monastery Cultural Centre

2015 Art centre - Schmalkalden

2016 Wine-Culture-Gaden - Thüngersheim

2016 Resort A-Rosa - Sylt

2018 Art gallery - Schweinfurt

2019 District gallery - Mellrichstadt

2020 Gallery Späth - Coburg

2021 Hofmeisterei Hirtzberger - Wachau Austria

2022 Otto Müller Museum of Modern Art - Schmalkalden I 2022 Kunsthalle Schweinfurt

2023 Ada Municipal Gallery Meiningen I Else 3 Münnerstadt I Giechburg - Scheßlitz I  

2023 Cultural centre "Alte Turnhalle" Lohr am Main


2003 "Marienweg" by Andrea Kammhuber BR 2010 "Unser Franken" by Ulla and Michael Ballhaus BR

2014 "Kunstanger Langenleiten" TV Touring 2018 "Triennale IV" Main-Media-TV

2022 „Magic of the black mountains“ BR

 The artist Heike Metz

 For Heike Metz, "home in the distance" is a fundamental principle of her artistic expressions. Concepts such as nature, home and homeland therefore run like a red thread through the work process. Her architectures resemble artistic creations of the imagination with an almost inexhaustible supply of forms. Her choice of motifs is rooted on the one hand in real cityscapes, which she realises in commissioned city models, and on the other hand in holiday memories, in that she creates characteristic houses, churches and monasteries as architectural quotations. The relationship between her and her surroundings is a metaphor for the dialogue between "man and space". Drawing from the subconscious is a mainstay of her work and her symbolic formal language. In doing so, she defines a spiritual or inner home for herself, which does not necessarily describe a specific place.

 Andrea Brandl

Director of the Kunsthalle Schweinfurt