
Phone.  + 36305626670

Dance of Covid oil on canvas 50 x 50 cm
The curtain oil on canvas 50 x 50 cm
Wiener strasse oil on canvas 40 x 30 cm
Laokoon oil on canvas 50 x 50 cm
Adam and Eve at the gate of paradise private collection
Adam and Eve at the gate of paradise oil on canvas cm 50 x 70

About his Art


Born: Budapest, August 2, 1963. Hungary
Education: University of Fine Arts Budapest
Solo exhibitions:
1989: Iparterv, Budapest
1990 Galerie Atmo München 1990; Galerie Risse, Wessling, Germany
1991 Gallery KAS., Budapest, Gallery Olympus, Kecskemét
1993: Kispest Exhibition Hall, Budapest
1999: Ferencváros Exhibition Hall, Budapest
2000 House of wine, Budapest
2001 Millenium Salon, Budapest
2004 Nador Gallery Budapest
2011 Galery Literátor, Budapest
2012 Gallery Pataky , Budapest
2013 Galerie im Turm VHS, Reutlingen, Germany
2016 Galerie Noricum, Schandorf Austria
2021 Semmelweis Szalon Budapest
2022 Veszprém Agóra, Hungary
Group exhibitions: 1988: Gallery Gaffalaer, Breda Holland; 1990: International Cartoon Festival, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest; 1991: "Ferenczy Family" Vigadó Exhibition Hall, Budapest, 1992: Art Expo, Budapest, 1993: Gallery Schindier, Richmond, USA 1994: Gallery Escape, Washington, USA; Ernst Museum, Nádasdy Foundation, Budapest; "Kunst Werktage", Gallspach Austria; Kunstforum, Mülheim am Main Germany, 1995: Berlitz, Stuttgart, Germany; BÁV Rt. Auctioneer, Budapest; 1996: St. Michel, France; Sportmuseum, Hungary; "From cinema archeology to mail art", Fano Italy; 1998: Bessans, France; Gallery St. Andrea, Parma, Italy; 1999: Bronx River art gallery, New York,USA; 2000: Agricultural Museum, Budapest, 2001: "Values in the 3rd Millennium" Pataky Exhibition Hall, Hungary; "Monumentum" Nándor Gallery, Hungary,; Institute Hongrois, Paris France. 2015 Aspora, Gunsan South-Korea.

Prizes: 1983: 3rd Prize in painting of the Hungarian Military Association;1987: Hermann Lipót Univ. degree prize; 1994: Szőnyi István Painting Contest Special Award; 1995: "The most promised young painter's prize" donated by BÁ V Rt. Auctioneers; 1998: Honorable mention from the city of Siófok ;2003 Portrait Biennale, Hatvan Special Prize; 2008 For Siófok city, Pro Urbe Foundation.

Publications about: Félix L. Fenyvesi: Students of the College of Fine Arts in Medgyessy Exhibition Hall (1986), Dr. K. Benedek: The spirit of the place (Művészet, Art 1, 1989), Land und Seebote (1990), Stanberger Merkur (1990), Süddeutsche Zeitung: In Wessling: Exhibition by Breznay and Bartels (5/10/1990), M. Devich: Silent auction in the Museum (Magyar Nemzet, 12/11/1994), D. A. Hamming: In beeld Hongaren (De stem, 1991), R:Chakte: European aTt: Painters exhibit their copies (Thiérache).

Kortárs magyar művészeti lexikon, 2001 Enciklopédia kiadó.
Who's who in Europe lexikon, WhoEurope Internatinal Publishing 2003 /angol nyelvű./ ISBN 963-86144-3-9
Jegyzett magyar festőművészek almanachja II. rész 1915-2006.
Catalogo Internazionale Arte d'Moderna 2010-2011,11. Editrice SIDA, Róma ,