GURM - India / China
Her Biography
Artist Gurm was born in India and grew up in China. Having grown up and schooled in an
international environment, immersed throughout in a multi-cultural atmosphere, she has always
been fascinated with the unique cultural elements and stories from all over the world. After
following art as a passion since her middle school days, she honed her skills by doing a Masters
in Visual Arts (Studio Art) in Hong Kong. She works in the medium of drawing, painting and
mixed media. She has created artworks with Mexican, Indian and Chinese cultural components
so far and is determined to continue to create more. She has had several solo exhibitions in
China and has gained recognition and patrons of her art.
Gurm’s artistic inspiration comes from everyday life. She is interested in creating works that
represent the familiar world around us, but in an imaginative way. By looking beyond the
obvious, Gurm reconstructs the everyday, usual environment around us into something
artistically unique which allows the audience to discover beauty in unusual places. Her signature
style combines basic shapes, objects and lines with experimental color combinations to create
beautiful intricate patterns.
For Gurm, art is not only a way to express herself, but also a therapy and a path of selfdiscovery. She likes to think that she has not found art, but rather art has found her. Gurm
hopes that by viewing her art, the viewer moves a step closer to discovering themselves and
their place in this universe. Through her art, she would like to radiate bliss and peace of mind to
the audience, to bring them to the present moment and to make them forget their worries and
stress even if for a little while. Gurm wants people to look at her artworks and experience the
same feeling she has while creating them – freedom, satisfaction, living in the moment and an
inward journey.