Contatti: katerinatsitsela@gmail.com Sito web www.katerinatsitsela.com

Cell  +306977723249

Dark room oil on canvas 50 x 60 cm
Pain oil on canvas 150 x 80 cm
Yota oil on canvas 150 x 80 cm
Dreams oil on canvas 65 x 133 cm
Yota looking oil on canvas 150 x 80 cm
Dark room oil on canvas 50 x 60 cm

Sulla sua Arte 


Lock down has forced people to think deeper about the conditions of their lives. They loved in a way solitude and tranquility but then other hand problems of self knowledge have made their appearance.

In addition, it is hot easy for people to surpass these difficulties because of the big changes in their lives during the lock down.

I also give emphasis to the struggle of humans to cope with this difficult situation in an authentic way.

I knead forms with colour which show sorrow, anxiety, loneliness, depression, violence and they give to the people the motive to participate in an emotional and corporal way.

The mnemonic experience is tied with the material. Through gestures, excoriations, engravings, collages, building of mass, mixed techniques, mortars and cement mortars I show the feelings of isolation during this difficult era.