Contatti: info@vhilo-artist1.se Sito web www.vhilo-artist1.se
Sulla sua Arte
Vhilo H Persson Born 72 in Sweden self taught artist.
At age 31, after almost two decades of trying to destroy himself with alcohol and other substitutes. Suicide attempts,heart stops,homelessness and cancer (that cost him his right shoulder blade in 2004.) He involuntarily got the opportunity to change his life. He found meaning to live in creating art that saved him.Which started out as art therapy and still is today in a way.
Now many years later,he has developed his own very unique styles with his love for details and happy smiles,which is the biggest part of him - happy. He puts it in the art combined with emotional feelings, past, future, subjects of today,and much more.
Personal strong stories in a happy way, many characters eyes, smiles, faces in different modes. As the symbols of life ,hope and freedom. Everything is a inspiration for him today.
Emptying the mind is important and the only way is to make art of it.He weaves it together with big expression and strong acrylic colors, he makes the fenomenal details using a very small brush and patience.He use the arm he can't lift without support from the good one, which always brings physical pain.The need to paint is necessary no matter what.
The last years he have shown his art in exhibitions and art fairs in Sweden,Belgium,Monaco,
Shanghai,Hong Kong Netherlands,United States.